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Common Skincare Routine Mistakes: A Review 

Information about what we should do and what works and doesn’t work for others when it comes to skincare enters our direct or peripheral attention every day. If you’ve ever given a skincare algorithm on social media your valuable attention, you’re targeted with all sorts of product ads and influencers professing some specific routine or product(s) as the holy grail of skincare. 

What we’ve found time and time again is that different skin types, and different environmental factors (such as diet, sun exposure, age, health routine and more) require different attention, and simplification seems to be the key. 

Most people promoting one thing over the other undoubtedly throw natural practices to the side in favor of stocked cabinets of pretty containers. At Ellovi we try to practice and promote simplicity and bring our choices back to nature as much as possible with body and lip butters as the cherry on top for our health and enjoyment. 

With that in mind, and with the approach of autumn, it’s a good idea to regularly review skincare practices to weed out anything that may get in the way of optimal health and wellness. 

Common mistakes in skincare routines:

Forgetting to remove makeup or not removing it fully before bed 

Clogged pores from a mixture of makeup with sweat and environmental pollutants lead to breakouts, dryness, irritation, and worsening of skin conditions. Skin repair processes are prevented and the aging process can accelerate.

Using dirty makeup brushes & towels

Bacteria, mold, and mildew can build up in these and cause problems for skin. Use brush cleaners and fresh towels regularly. 

Picking at your face

This can cause scarring, delayed healing, and transfer of bacteria from hands and nails to skin.

Taking hot showers 

Hot water strips skin of moisture and natural oil, and disrupts natural pH balance. 

Relying on facial wipes 

These should not replace your cleanser, as they don’t clean skin thoroughly and require rough pressure on skin to do an imperfect job. Many facial wipes contain toxic ingredients.

Cleansing properly 

Use moisturizer right afterwards to replenish hydration lost during the cleansing process.

Using just any product on your skin 

Not every product works for every skin type and some may worsen the issues we struggle with. Too many products slip in harsh, toxic, synthetic ingredients that harm skin and penetrate through the barrier to affect us in ways unseen.

Over exfoliating

Limit this part of your regimen to 2-3 times per week to avoid damaging the skin barrier 

Not paying attention to hydration internally 

Food and water choices are a big factors when it comes to whole body health including that of the skin. 

There are many ways we can be better to ourselves that affect our general health which touch sleep, exercise, and mental health care, and while those are tougher to keep steady, the above pitfalls are easier to spot and address daily.  

Entering autumn well-prepared, we’ve got you. 


At Ellovi we believe skin health is deeply connected to overall health and well-being. Our mission is to offer wellness using pure ingredients with safe and transparent methods. Self care is not just a luxury and it cannot wait. We’re here to remind you to invest in your health from head to toe, inside and out. 

Team Ellovi 🌺

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