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Skincare Industry Snags Abroad: Bringing Home Lessons From A Global Pandemic

When global conflicts or challenges occur, costs and shortages skyrocket hitting brands with impossible dilemmas forcing many to cut corners that reflect poorly on their values and ability to thrive. The domino effect can be crippling.

Aside from problems with depending on outsourced supply and workforce stability, raw material brands tend to use,  more often than not, come from countries with volatile infrastructures, and poor quality control and oversight. Adding to that mountain of issues, outsourcing internationally increases the likelihood of  knowingly or unknowingly working with partners that engage in animal and labor abuse. In short, shady legal loophole practices can be apparent or hidden behind curtains.

Post Pandemic Effects on Consumer Priorities:

  • Higher demand for clean beauty products with natural ingredients
  • Preference for multifunctional products that offer bang for buck in convenience and value
  • A higher degree of transparency, stability, and accountability

As consumers become more and more aware of violations of former favorite brands that have depended heavily on foreign supply chain practices, it’s become imperative to rise to the occasion, working to minimize carbon footprints and engaging in ethically sound practices.

Our Lessons:

We’ve learned that the best way to have full transparency during all parts of sourcing to delivery of our carefully formulated products is to bring the process home as much as possible. 

The sacrifice in cost to create with a clear conscience while stimulating growth within our own community and country, solidifying relationships, and doing our part to minimize environmental impact and support our own health and well-being, is no sacrifice. 

Bringing processes home versus abroad, allows brands to stabilize volatility, invest in aligned relationships with well-regulated partners, improve sustainable practices, and diminish waste.

We’ve prioritized creating products that can be multi-use to meet our own declutter preferences as well as those that have emerged sharply post pandemic. Natural ingredients that are free of fillers, synthetics, and water, actually contain more product, providing a higher value for the money.

Glowing Goals:

Avoiding the hypnosis of fancy packaged serums, tonics, and whatnots, marketed by celebrities and attractive models that contain a small amount of actual active product and instead opting for vegan, natural, locally-made products serves personal, financial, and environmental goals across the board. 

Decluttering skincare and cosmetics with straightforward and time-tested ingredients that are multi-use is what we do at Ellovi, keeping our beloved community healthy, in the know, well-invested, and spending wisely.


At Ellovi we believe skin health is deeply connected to overall health and well-being. Our mission is to offer wellness using pure ingredients with safe and transparent methods. Self care is not just a luxury and it cannot wait. We’re here to remind you to invest in your health from head to toe, inside and out. 

Team Ellovi 🌺

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