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Travel Skincare Made Easy | Best Practices

Air travel and all travel, for that matter, can take a physical toll on us, with artificially recirculated air, dehydrating airplane cabins, low humidity, and hard water. In addition, travel can be stressful, whether you’re attending an event you’re anxious about, or a daunting work function, or you’ve just hit some snags along the path to your destination. Sleep is often impacted during travel which also impedes natural skin repair among many other recovery processes that propel us toward good health.  

All this combined can throw the skin and body for a loop and leave us looking and feeling dimmed, sluggish, not at our best. How can we combat the skin and body perils of travel without having an entire suitcase of products? Let’s break it down.

Prior to travel:

A few days prior, bring increased awareness to diet, exercise, sleep, and hydration

  • Drink more water than usual in the days leading up to travel
  • Restock your toiletry kit well with your favorite travel sized skincare. Keep it glassy with glass containers when possible to support natural product temperatures balance 
  • Check the weather and general humidity information for your destination to know how heavy a moisturizer you may need. For example, dry environments require different considerations than tropical, more humid destinations.

During your flight or other transit:

  • Opt out of makeup to avoid clogging pores
  • Hold off on salty snacks, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar for internal wellness as well as to avoid skin dehydration. If you do indulge, balance these out with a full glass of water. 
  • Keep hands and lips well moisturized especially after hand washing and exposure to recirculated air vents

Upon arrival:

  • Hotel skincare products are usually loaded with preservatives and harsh fragrances such as parabens, sulfates, and more. Skip these.
  • To reset travel face and rid pores of excess oils, makeup, and rehydrate, use Ellovi whipped butter of your choice.
    • Wash hands
    • Wet face with lukewarm water apply a small amount of whipped butter
    • Steam face with a hot water soaked towel. Repeat the process a second time for optimal cleansing and moisturizing
    • Pat dry face with clean, soft towel
    • Apply whipped butter on damp face within a minute of washing to lock in hydration and a bonus of a bit of natural SPF
    • Finish with lip butter 
    • Consider Ellovi lip and body flavors that support improved sleep and balance with their unique aromatherapy benefits when choosing which to bring along

Putting your best foot forward during travel events can be stressful and complicated. Good travel habits for skincare don’t need to be. So whether you are presenting to a prospective client or partner, meeting the parents, or just want to feel and look your absolute best to create lasting memories, put these steps into action to shine inside and out. Have an amazing trip, jet setter! ✈️


At Ellovi we believe skin health is deeply connected to overall health and well-being. Our mission is to offer wellness using pure ingredients with safe and transparent methods. Self care is not just a luxury and it cannot wait. We’re here to remind you to invest in your health from head to toe, inside and out. 

Team Ellovi 🌺

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